Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ndi Musanyufu!

I am pretty happy right now... my job has been going really well, to the point of me getting a "promotion" and a raise and I get to travel soon. I have been saving up and have plenty of money to buy my ticket to Hungary next week. Casey and I are just waiting until we find a good deal... I just can't wait to start traveling again. I haven't been out of the country since last March and I have been going crazy! I am going to be a busy bee the next few months with traveling around. At the end of the month I am going to Costa Rica for a week with my family... so stoked for a much needed vacation! From what I have seen it is going to be awesome! We are staying in Santa Teresa- some of the best surfing out there!And then I'm off to Hungary May 10th for two or more weeks! Nothing makes me happier than traveling to new places in this beautiful world!

Here is a cheesy little video I found for the place we are staying at in Costa Rica:

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