Monday, December 27, 2010

Everything keeps moving so fast...

Christmas has come and gone. I can't believe how fast time goes by as you get older. I love this time of year, but hate it at the same time. I just hate how materialistic this holiday has become. I don't even care to get presents to be honest... that's not what Christmas is about to me. I just love having family around. My sisters are home for a little while. Having them here is great; it has been a good distraction during the boring recovery process.

Recovery is going well. I was finally able to get a full night is sleep last night. It's amazing what sleeping does for one's recovery. I think the pain meds are out of my system completely now too, which is awesome. I hate taking pills of any kind. Narcotics are the worst! I turn into a major bitch when I'm on them and feel pretty drunk all of the time. I don't know how people become addicted to crap like that. I definitely cannot function on them. And my family definitely doesn't want to be around me either ha. I'd rather deal with the pain...


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