Saturday, February 19, 2011


I went with the fam this weekend to Winter Park to snowboard for the first time this season. I was crazy nervous to go up after having such a major surgery. Turns out my nerves weren't helpful and I ate shit on my first run landing on my stomach... and I ended up being fine so from then on out I had a blast (having some beer helped haha). My sister and I had an awesome time, but the mountain totally sucked! It was so hard to carve because they don't groom their runs... good place for skiers, not so great for boarders. Still glad I sucked it up and went. I can't wait to go again!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Home Grown

I just bought all of my seeds to plant for this spring/summer! I absolutely love growing and tending my own garden! I can't wait to see it all on full bloom and cook with all of the veggies I've planted. I'm even attempting to grow quinoa; I had no idea how beautiful this plant is! Here are all of the plants I'm going to grow:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This one is for you David!


Seeing a difference.

It is almost 8 weeks post surgery and my swelling is finally starting to go down. I'm down 3 pant sizes now and that's just the start of it. I've always loved fashion and clothes but never had the confidence to pull off the looks I loved... but nothing can stop me now! I think by May I should be a size 4 which is crazy! I can't wait to turn my wardrobe into what I have always wanted to!! Here are some pictures from 1 week post op all the way up to 7 weeks post op... kind of crazy!

Too bad it looks like I got a boob job too! haha I guess I should consider myself blessed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I can't wait to see this film. I have been reading the book, Irresistible Revolution and have been so inspired by the notion of becoming an ordinary radical. I think this is exactly how people who believe in God should act... it's what I strive to do with my life.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mind Boggling.

I honestly do not understand people who have no filters on their mouth! I had another test of my patience tonight with someone whom I considered to be a friend. It turns out that wasn't the case and I have never been so offended in my life like I was tonight. This experience has just proven that I have grown up and I am a lot more mature than I thought I was. The old me would have released hell on this girl in front of everyone for what she said to me, but instead I just concentrated on breathing and being solely in that moment and I walked away. I even gave the girl a hug goodbye at the end of the night.... I just know that I will do everything in my power to never see her again and never give her the opportunity to make me feel this way again. I have been through WAY too much these past few months for someone's ignorant, careless words to cause any sort of self doubt. I am stronger than that!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blessed beyond words.

Today is one of those days when I have no words to describe how blessed I am to have the amazing friends that I have. I have befriended some of the most caring, passionate, giving people from all around the world. Today I truly count myself as blessed to know Tyler, Irene, Lauren, and everyone else who has helped form Venture Corps. I have had the privilege to travel the world with these amazing people and help them fund-raise for the JCM Children's Home in Kenya.  Venture Corps' website launched today and looking at all of their progress has left me awe struck and truly inspired. I can't wait to help them more with their journey and watch them change the world. I look forward to the day that I get to step foot in Africa again to see JCM for myself!



I love this video for so many reasons, but this one makes me a proud momma... my little guy Jackson is the first beautiful face you see.