Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mind Boggling.

I honestly do not understand people who have no filters on their mouth! I had another test of my patience tonight with someone whom I considered to be a friend. It turns out that wasn't the case and I have never been so offended in my life like I was tonight. This experience has just proven that I have grown up and I am a lot more mature than I thought I was. The old me would have released hell on this girl in front of everyone for what she said to me, but instead I just concentrated on breathing and being solely in that moment and I walked away. I even gave the girl a hug goodbye at the end of the night.... I just know that I will do everything in my power to never see her again and never give her the opportunity to make me feel this way again. I have been through WAY too much these past few months for someone's ignorant, careless words to cause any sort of self doubt. I am stronger than that!

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