Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Risking it...

Today I made the decision to risk it all and let my feelings about something be known, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off of my chest. I don't know why I wait until the last minute to do things like this, but I do. Every time I have done this is hasn't ended up the way I wanted it to and then I get hurt, but not this time. I'm not going to let myself be hurt by whatever comes of this. I am in charge of my emotions and I choose to just be relieved and happy with whatever happens because that's what was supposed to happen. I have to trust that this is the right thing for me right now. I know that even though I don't like the outcome sometimes, this is just another twist to my road in life. So for now... I'm just happy with the fact that I chose to speak up and not hide how I feel anymore. Life is too short to wait around and hope that something happens... I choose to take the initiative and not wait, but have a little say in where my road leads me. Some things in life are tought to hear, but I know that through that pain I will grow from it and it is just another experience that forms me as a person. I still pray for the outcome that I want deep down inside and who knows, it may end up that way! If it does end up the way I hope it will... well, it will scare the crap out of me. Sometimes I wonder why I even want this in my life... I have seen three too many divorces in my life and have been cheated on in every relationship I have had. But it is still something I want in my life and I know that if I hold up my end of the deal and be trustworthy, honest, genuine, and faithful then someday I'll find someone who can do the same for me. It's a battle worth fighting for in my opinion. In the end it's always the same and I can't plan life, it just happens. I have to be ready for whatever comes my way and know that I have to accept it as it is and try to find the silver lining. Every experience I have had is a lesson and sometimes I learn from it, sometimes I don't. I just know deep in my heart that it's always worth it to try your all and risk your heart for things that you want in life. I know what I want for my life and even if it means that my heart hurts and I wasted a thousand dollars trying to get it, I know I tried and have no regrets.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I officially don't give a shit anymore... I'm officially tired of reading into things, planning things, and being completely let down. Life is going to happen whether I plan it or not... I'm just gonna go with it and see what happens. If I have learned one thing in my life people say things and do another. I can't wait to be proved wrong.


I just found this forgotten video from our trip to Costa Rica. We went on a 3 1/2 hour horseback ride one of the days and it was the most amazing experience! We went on the beach, through someone's farmland, through a rainforest, up mesas, and through rivers. The most amazing part was right at the end when we were late getting back to meet our driver so we had to run our horses as fast as they could go. It was absolutely amazing! It was so surreal to have 11 of us galloping down the beach at sunset with the tide coming in and crabs running around everywhere. Just another reason why I LOVE Costa Rica. Megan took this video while she was riding her horse... so freaking rad! The video is kind of crazy and all over the place, but I still love it!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Once again I have learned my lesson when it comes to not being able to plan life. I just found out that I will most likely be by myself for a week while I am in Europe. I sort of freaked out at first and wasn't so into running around Italy and Hungary alone. But, the more I think about traveling alone, the more I like it. The thought of being able to go where I want, when I want, and for however long I want seems pretty ideal. I think it will work out so that I'm on my own for Rome and some of Budapest. I think I'll just rent a bike and go explore a new part of Rome each day that I am there. I can't wait to explore the buildings and museums on my own... I like to take my time and take it all in without worrying if I'm taking too much time. I'm still not 100% sure that I will be alone for a week or not, but either way I think I'll be just fine. Freaking out about things that aren't in my control is just stupid! I'm done stressing about stuff.... I'm just going to enjoy the great opportunities that I have been given.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pura Vida= beautiful life!

Costa Rica is such an amazing place! I could live there for the rest of my life, no problem. Everyone was so warm and inviting. I loved that it was so relaxed and all about being one with nature. Everyday was a crazy adventure! One of the best parts of being there were the dogs that were everywhere we went. I can't wait to go back someday... and maybe not leave ;).

Best trees to climb!

Our Australian surf instructors.

In front of our villa.

Inside of our villa. This place was absolutely amazing.

Ready to rock the zipline!

It's soooo hot!!!

Cisco and Kaia... we loved these dogs!

Me and Ceiba on our daily walk... she was my buddy for the week.


On our flight back to the States from Costa Rica we ran into some weather... it made for some pretty amazing pictures. I have flown a lot on my life and have never had the pleasure of seeing the sky look so beautiful.