Saturday, April 16, 2011


Once again I have learned my lesson when it comes to not being able to plan life. I just found out that I will most likely be by myself for a week while I am in Europe. I sort of freaked out at first and wasn't so into running around Italy and Hungary alone. But, the more I think about traveling alone, the more I like it. The thought of being able to go where I want, when I want, and for however long I want seems pretty ideal. I think it will work out so that I'm on my own for Rome and some of Budapest. I think I'll just rent a bike and go explore a new part of Rome each day that I am there. I can't wait to explore the buildings and museums on my own... I like to take my time and take it all in without worrying if I'm taking too much time. I'm still not 100% sure that I will be alone for a week or not, but either way I think I'll be just fine. Freaking out about things that aren't in my control is just stupid! I'm done stressing about stuff.... I'm just going to enjoy the great opportunities that I have been given.

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