Friday, January 21, 2011

5 weeks

I'm in my last week of recovery. I can't believe how quickly time has passed. I feel like I just had surgery. My scar looks great now, and it's almost fully healed. I actually love having scars because they each tell a little story. I have two huge ones and I love them! One is obviously from the surgery, but I have another one on my left calf. One day in Uganda I got on a motorcycle the wrong way and got a third degree burn out of it...  The crazy part is if you look at it one way it's a heart and the other way it's shaped like Africa... so awesome!
  I still have a lot of swelling from surgery, but everyone keeps telling me that I look a lot smaller. I still feel like I look the same because I see myself everyday, so I'm really looking forward to a few months from now when I will really be able to see the difference. It is still so crazy to me that I had a canteloupe sized tumor and didn't even know it up until two months ago. Life is insane sometimes, but I love it.

I also had blood work done today to get my thyroid back in order. Afterwards,  I went to the bookstore like I do every week and looked at some on thyroid problems. I had no idea that some of my weird symptoms were caused by the hormone imbalance. I have always had bad hearing with ringing in my ears.. it turns out that that is a symptom! It also causes changes in your voice which is why I sound like my little brother sometimes (not cute)! Soon this will all be under control and I can live a "normal" life... finally!! I am so stoked for my life from here on out! It took a lot to get here, but it was all worth it in the end.

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