Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week Three!

I'm in my third week of recovery and at times it doesn't even feel like I had major surgery.Then I sneeze and I remember it all!! Nothing is worse than a stupid little sneeze right now. I'm healing quicker than usual which is pretty rad. I am still really swollen but, even with the swelling my jeans that fit prior to surgery are too big now. My doctor said that I could have the swelling for a few more months which is not something I like, but that's life. If I have learned anything from this, it is that I have to stay positive through every hardship life throws at me. You can't let temporary discomfort and pain rule your life. I think that all of my positive thinking has helped me heal a lot faster. I even went back to yoga 2 1/2 weeks post op! I had to take is easy of course but, I noticed a huge difference with my spine. I could never rest my lower back on the mat because it was so curved. For the first time in 10 or more years, I could rest my entire back on the mat. That was so huge for me! I can't wait to be fully healed and really see what I can do with my new body. I fully plan on pushing myself to new limits.

 I want to be the best me that I can be and that includes mentally and physically. I finally feel ready to put myself out there and date if the opportunity presents itself. I was into the idea before, but now that I look back I wasn't mentally ready to do anything like that. When you have things wrong with you that no one can explain it really takes a toll on you mentally. This year has been eye opening and every health issue I have had has been fixed. I don't know what it's like to go through a day without pain. I'm really looking forward to a month from now... I won't have the pain anymore and I will be a whole new person. Through all of this ordeal, I have really started to love who I am. I don't think I could have said that before but, I can now with confidence. I am proud of who I am and can't wait to share that with someone... For now I'll just be patient and see what this next year has in store for me. As of right now it looks like health, happiness, and TRAVEL!!

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