Monday, January 3, 2011


My best friend just gave me the BBC Classics, The Jane Austen Collection for Christmas! I think I might be one of the only people I know that adores anything Jane Austen. I have always thought that I should have lived during that time period rather than now. Some say I have an old soul... I just love the strong women in Austen's stories; women who don't quite fit in with the norm and stand out. These women don't settle for a man in their life because he can make her's more comfortable... they want love and money doesn't matter.I personally want to have a career and be able to support myself before marriage.  I have always strived to be like these women. I don't want to be like everyone else out there.  I'm the only me in this world, so I might as well not be like anyone else. I guess loving Jane Austen's stories is a step in the right direction... I have yet to meet a friend who shares my love for all of this. They all think I'm a little strange haha!

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